Rodenstock ND Filter 8x ND 0.9 82 mm
Every photographer normally wants bright light. However, when fast motion is to be illustrated by blurring, it is sometimes too bright for the longer exposure time required for the „smear effect”. The exposure time could admittedly often be extended by stopping down more, but then increasing diffraction would reduce the sharpness. Sometimes, it can be too bright to stop up for low depth of field, e.g. for a sharp person against a blurred background. These problems can be solved easily using the HR Digital neutral density filters with color-neutral light attenuation available from Rodenstock. They allow an exposure extension by a factor of 2, 4 or 8 for impressive smear effects on a further opening of the aperture by one, two or three stops for a much reduced depth of field.
The ND 4x filter would e.g. allow an exposure time of 1/250 s instead of 1/1000 s, which allows fill-flash, for a portrait of low depth of field at f/stop 2.8. Or a longer exposure time of 1/60 s could be set at f/stop 5.6 instead of 1/250 s, which is absolutely necessary for the panning smear effect in car racing.
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